2024 ISSTA’24 MicroRes: Versatile Resilience Profiling in Microservices via Degradation Dissemination Indexing Tianyi Yang, Cheryl Lee, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT 33rd International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2024 DOI arXiv Bib Code Slides @inproceedings{yang2024microres, title = {MicroRes: Versatile Resilience Profiling in Microservices via Degradation Dissemination Indexing}, author = {Yang, Tianyi and Lee, Cheryl and Shen, Jiacheng and Su, Yuxin and Yang, Yongqiang and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT 33rd International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis}, year = {2024}, } ICDE’24 SPES: Towards Optimizing Performance-Resource Trade-Off for Serverless Functions Cheryl Lee, Tianyi Yang, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering 2024 DOI arXiv Bib Slides @inproceedings{li2024SPES, title = {SPES: Towards Optimizing Performance-Resource Trade-Off for Serverless Functions}, author = {Lee, Cheryl and Yang, Tianyi and Zhu, Zhouruixing and Su, Yuxin and He, Pinjia and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering}, year = {2024}, organization = {IEEE}, } 2023 ISSRE’23 Practical Anomaly Detection over Multivariate Monitoring Metrics for Online Services Jinyang Liu, Tianyi Yang, and 5 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{liu2023practical, title = {Practical Anomaly Detection over Multivariate Monitoring Metrics for Online Services}, author = {Liu, Jinyang and Yang, Tianyi and Chen, Zhuangbin and and Su, Yuxin and Feng, Cong and Yang, Zengyin and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering}, pages = {1--2}, year = {2023}, organization = {IEEE} } ICDMW’23 A Roadmap towards Intelligent Operations for Reliable Cloud Computing Systems Yintong Huo, Cheryl Lee, and 3 more authors In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{huo2023roadmap, title = {A Roadmap towards Intelligent Operations for Reliable Cloud Computing Systems}, author = {Huo, Yintong and Lee, Cheryl and Liu, Jinyang and Yang, Tianyi and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW)}, pages = {1213--1220}, year = {2023}, organization = {IEEE} } ASE’23 Maat: Performance Metric Anomaly Anticipation for Cloud Services with Conditional Diffusion Cheryl Lee, Tianyi Yang, and 3 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{lee2023maat, title = {Maat: Performance Metric Anomaly Anticipation for Cloud Services with Conditional Diffusion}, author = {Lee, Cheryl and Yang, Tianyi and Chen, Zhuangbin and Su, Yuxin and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering}, year = {2023}, organization = {IEEE/ACM} } FAST’23 FUSEE: A Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store Jiacheng Shen, Pengfei Zuo, and 5 more authors In Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{shen2023fuses, title = {FUSEE: A Fully Memory-Disaggregated Key-Value Store}, author = {Shen, Jiacheng and Zuo, Pengfei and Luo, Xuchuan and Yang, Tianyi and Su, Yuxin and Zhou, Yangfan and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies}, year = {2023}, organization = {USENIX} } ICSE’23 Eadro: An End-to-End Troubleshooting Framework for Microservices on Multi-source Data Cheryl Lee, Tianyi Yang, and 3 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE 45th International Conference on Software Engineering 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{li2023eadro, title = {Eadro: An End-to-End Troubleshooting Framework for Microservices on Multi-source Data}, author = {Lee, Cheryl and Yang, Tianyi and Chen, Zhuangbin and Su, Yuxin and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 45th International Conference on Software Engineering}, year = {2023}, organization = {IEEE} } ICSE’23 Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection for Software Systems via Semi-supervised Cross-modal Attention Cheryl Lee, Tianyi Yang, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE 45th International Conference on Software Engineering 2023 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{li2023heterogeneous, title = {Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection for Software Systems via Semi-supervised Cross-modal Attention}, author = {Lee, Cheryl and Yang, Tianyi and Chen, Zhuangbin and Su, Yuxin and Yang, Yongqiang and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 45th International Conference on Software Engineering}, year = {2023}, organization = {IEEE} } 2022 ISSRE’22 Managing Service Dependency for Cloud Reliability: The Industrial Practice Tianyi Yang, Cheryl Lee, and 4 more authors In Companion Proceedings of IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2022 DOI arXiv Bib Slides @inproceedings{yang2022managing, title = {Managing Service Dependency for Cloud Reliability: The Industrial Practice}, author = {Yang, Tianyi and Lee, Cheryl and Shen, Jiacheng and Su, Yuxin and Yang, Yongqiang and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Companion Proceedings of IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering}, pages = {1--2}, year = {2022}, organization = {IEEE} } DSN’22 Characterizing and Mitigating Anti-patterns of Alerts in Industrial Cloud Systems Tianyi Yang, Jiacheng Shen, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP 52nd International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 2022 DOI arXiv Bib @inproceedings{yang2022characterizing, title = {Characterizing and Mitigating Anti-patterns of Alerts in Industrial Cloud Systems}, author = {Yang, Tianyi and Shen, Jiacheng and Su, Yuxin and Ren, Xiaoxue and Yang, Yongqiang and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP 52nd International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks}, pages = {1--9}, year = {2022}, organization = {IEEE/IFIP}, } 2021 ASE’21 AID: Efficient Prediction of Aggregated Intensity of Dependency in Large-scale Cloud Systems Tianyi Yang, Jiacheng Shen, and 4 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 36th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2021 DOI arXiv Bib Code Slides @inproceedings{yang2021aid, title = {AID: Efficient Prediction of Aggregated Intensity of Dependency in Large-scale Cloud Systems}, author = {Yang, Tianyi and Shen, Jiacheng and Su, Yuxin and Ling, Xiao and Yang, Yongqiang and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 36th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering}, pages = {653--665}, year = {2021}, organization = {IEEE}, } ICDCS’21 Defuse: A dependency-guided function scheduler to mitigate cold starts on FaaS platforms Jiacheng Shen, Tianyi Yang, and 3 more authors In Proceedings of IEEE 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 2021 DOI Bib Slides @inproceedings{shen2021defuse, title = {Defuse: A dependency-guided function scheduler to mitigate cold starts on FaaS platforms}, author = {Shen, Jiacheng and Yang, Tianyi and Su, Yuxin and Zhou, Yangfan and Lyu, Michael R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems}, pages = {194--204}, year = {2021}, organization = {IEEE} } CSUR A survey on automated log analysis for reliability engineering Shilin He, Pinjia He, and 4 more authors ACM Computing Surveys 2021 DOI arXiv Bib @article{he2021survey, title = {A survey on automated log analysis for reliability engineering}, author = {He, Shilin and He, Pinjia and Chen, Zhuangbin and Yang, Tianyi and Su, Yuxin and Lyu, Michael R}, journal = {ACM Computing Surveys}, volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {1--37}, year = {2021}, publisher = {ACM New York, NY, USA} } WWW’21 TOUR: Dynamic topic and sentiment analysis of user reviews for assisting app release Tianyi Yang, Cuiyun Gao, and 3 more authors In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 DOI arXiv Bib HTML Code Slides @inproceedings{yang2021tour, title = {TOUR: Dynamic topic and sentiment analysis of user reviews for assisting app release}, author = {Yang, Tianyi and Gao, Cuiyun and Zang, Jingya and Lo, David and Lyu, Michael}, booktitle = {Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference}, pages = {708--712}, year = {2021} }